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Breeds and types found in our lines include French Bulldog, Olde Boston Bulldog (boston terrier, olde english, english bulldog), American Bulldog and Shorty Bull (American bully, french bulldog, english bulldog). All dogs in our program have known generational pedigrees. The breeds we use are of course given consideration to understand likely heritable traits, however in choosing dogs for our program  we give more consideration to the health, temperament qualities and the phenotype that the dog presents with rather than their breed.  Breeds that have been excluded without compromise are Pug (Sorry pug fans I know they can be really sweet!) and any future addition of english bulldog. We have spent over fifteen years working on our lines. The dogs in our program are built from the work of other like minded breeders from across Canada and the U.S. who have been working on their lines for up to 20 years.

The common goal being to create a small healthy bulldog with good temperaments and no unhealthy extreme features. Most dogs over the years, have not made the cut to be in our program. You can be assured this has been a long road with all the blood sweat and tears that comes from a true effort in objective evaluation.

Our dogs are best described as a developing  breed or breed improvement program and we do not claim them as being a "breed" or of  "purebred" status as it pertains to the Animal pedigree act.  Our goals and  ethics set us apart from the so called, "designer breeds"  as they are typically a cross of two locally sourced purebred dogs with no long term breed development  or true improvement goals. Unfortunately they are often bred without consideration to the many important qualities that make up a balanced and healthy dog. This has understandably  created a lot of  challenges and opportunities for us to educate others and set ourselves apart on our quest for a healthier bulldog! 


Below you will find a description of the standard we bred to.

Our Bulldogs should have the appearance of a small athletic, well muscled dog being strong for his size. Fully capable of functional free movement, free breathing and fully able to breed and whelp naturally.

Easily trainable he is very loyal to his family and should display a kind and friendly nature behind which should be discernible determination, courage and high spirit with a confident attitude.

The head and muzzle being cubical and blocky, displaying the expression of an intelligent dog with a tremendous amount of heart.  No feature should appear so prominent from either excess or lack of substance as to cause the dog to appear out of proportion. This dog should carry a natural, healthy balance of both temperament and structure.


Fault: Shyness or nervousness in an adult dog.

Disqualification: Any aggression in an adult dog.



The head should be large and square, showing no wrinkles, with the circumference being nearly equal to the dogs height at the withers and in good proportion to the body. The stop is well defined.

Minor fault: excess definition of features resulting in an uneven look.



The muzzle should be square wide and deep being nearly equal in length depth and width and proportionate to the skull. The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop does not exceed one-third of the distance from the tip of the nose to the occiput. No excessive wrinkles. Flews may be mildly pendulous and must completely cover the teeth, but must not be in excess as to take away from the square look of the muzzle.


Fault: muzzle too long or snipy. Muzzle too short.  

Wrinkles substantial enough to restrict natural airflow between them.


Bite and teeth

The bite should be very slightly undershot and present with excellent occlusion when compared to all other bulldog breeds. Full set of teeth, with the incisors being straight and even.


Fault: overbite


Disqualification: wry mouth



The color is solid black, blue or liver. Nose is broad with wide nostrils.


Fault: more than 10% pink on the nose. Mildly audible breathing noise with exercise.


Serious fault: pinched nares or obstructed breathing at rest.


Disqualification: nose that is more than 20% pink. Labored breathing at rest.



Eyes of moderate size, almond shaped, and set wide apart. Neither sunken nor bulging with no excessive haw showing when looking forward. Full pigmentation on eye rims.


Fault: more than 25% lack of pigmentation on eye rim on an adult dog, excessive haw showing


Disqualification: complete lack of pigmentation on an eye rim on an adult dog



Ears are small rose, semi-pricked, drop or upright.


Fault: none



Muscular thick and slightly arched, of moderate size and length. Clean in outline and gradually widening towards the shoulders, with minimal to no dewlap.



The shoulders are moderate to well muscled and powerful. Both shoulders and elbows showing no looseness. The forelegs are strong, straight and of medium bone. They are well muscled, set moderately wide apart and are perpendicular to the ground. The pasterns are short, strong and flexible. Elbows standing neither in nor out.


Faults: front legs bowed, weak or too straight in pastern. Appearance of chondrodysplasia.



The Sturdy and powerful body is square or slightly longer than it is high.

The chest is moderately wide, well filled in and deep, giving ample room for heart and lungs.

The ribs are deep and well sprung extending to the elbows and carried well back to the loin.

The back is strong and level.

The loin is short and muscular with a good natural arch creating a definable tuck up of the underline.


Faults:  Flat sides, narrow chest, long or slack loins, roach back, back too short.


Disqualification: Sway back



The rear is strong, moderately wide and well muscled, in proportion to the forequarters. Thighs are well developed.

The angulation is moderate showing a good curve to the stifle with the rear pasterns well let down and perpendicular to the ground.

Hocks turning neither in nor out.


Fault: significant lack of bend to the stifle, lack or excess of muscle, cow hocks or bow hocks.



Round, compact, toes well arched and strong.


Fault: flat feet, splayed toes



Set on low, preference being given to natural tails. Straight, screw tail or docked tail is acceptable.

Fault: gaily carried tail


Coat and Color

The coat is short and fine in texture but moderately harsh. All colors are acceptable.


Fault: Excessive lack of pigmentation.


Height and Weight

Weight between 30 and 40lbs

Height between 14” and 17” at the withers



He is a sure footed straight gaited dog with good reach in front and power behind.

When trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth and powerful. Legs turn neither in nor out and feet do not cross or interfere with each other. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward center line of balance.


Fault: Legs moving too close, sidewinding, hackney action, paddling, pounding or rolling.

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